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    Bilancio degli anni trascorsi a Maggiano e riflessione sul presente

    Tobino, after a short and bitter summing up of the years spent at Maggiano - bitter in the sense that he felt remorseful about not being able to protect his patients better from the devasting effects of the hospital closures -, reflects on his present day situation, and his regrets that he never had children or a woman by his side.

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    Come sono cambiati i pazienti psichiatrici

    Marion Tobino describes how psychiatric patients have changed thanks to the introduction of psychtropic drugs: how it is possible to interact with them in direct conversation, how they are able to leave their rooms in the hospital and walk about outside, how they can write a newspaper.

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    È passato il Natale

    Tobino recites the poem "Christmas is passed"

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    Fortuna delle Libere donne

    The writer, talking about the success of his literary works, stops briefly to talk about Le Libere donne di Magliano - The Liberated Women of Magliano, underlining how this book, which was even read in the schools, dealt with the idea of madness in its natural state, when not assuaged by drugs.

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    Gli effetti degli psicofarmaci

    Tobino expresses his doubts about the effects of psychotropic drugs on hospitalised patients. Due to their sedative action, he fears that they obliterate the personality of the sick person. He backs this up by relating the case of a patient at Viareggio.

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    Grandezza della marineria viareggina

    Tobino recounts the glory days of the Viareggio boat-building and sailng tradition, known and appreciated all over the world. He cites as examples the grand ships such as the Dedalo, the Nellì, the Onesto and the Ardisson.

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    I sentimenti puri e intoccabili

    Tobino recounts the story of a patient from Pistoia who when she arrived at the hospital, was gripped by a sense of blame, she felt responsible for all the troubles in the world. There was no real cure for this condition, and the husband added that she was much altered, that all her affection towards her children had vanished. There was no point in giving her drugs. One day this delirium started to fade of its own accord, she started to return to normality and her feelings emerged once more in pure and sound form.

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    Il "battesimo" di Tobruk

    Tobino recounts the assault on Tobruk and tells of the episode which he , himself, describes as a beautiful tragedy. Particularly emblematic was when a dying soldier was baptised.

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    Il carnevale del 1924

    Tobino immerses himself in the memorie of the Carnival from 1924 and recollects the lines of a famous melody; "Andasti o Giovinastro"

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    Il giardino di Maggiano

    Tobino recalls how the garden came about at the Maggiano Psychiatric Hospital, from the choice of plants to their placement.

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    Il giglio di quell’amore

    Remembrance of the Resistance, on 25th April, 1964 through the writings and letters of Partisans as recounted by various actors. In this selected piece Enrico Maria Salerno recites Il Giglio di quell'amore (Il Clandestino) - The Lily of That Love (Underground), the poem written by Tobino and which reflects on the disappointment of those who took part in the Resistance.

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    Il giglio di quell’amore

    Tobino recites his poem "Il giglio di quell'amore - The Lily of That Love"

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    Il giornale di Maggiano

    An article about an initiative at the Psychiatric Hospital Maggiano, Lucca to realise a newspaper entirely edited by the patients. One of the patients, who was bedridden, Luciano, wrote about the abolition of the bars from the Men's Observation Ward.

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    Il libro che mi rappresenta: “Biondo era e bello”

    Tobino declares that of all the books he has written, the one that most represents him is "Biondo era e bello - Blonde and Beautiful" (This is a clear reference to the personage of Manfredi in Dante's Inferno and Tobino has dedicated the same title to Dante himself in order to overturn the received image of Dante) He recites some verses of Dante( which display Dante's own greed for political infomation about his fellow Florentines) which kept him company whilst in Libya.

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    Il ricordo della madre

    Tobino remembers his mother, when she used to go to Mass, when she took care of the garden and when she died just a few weeks before Christmas, leaving a great emptiness inside him.

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    Il ritorno delle suore in corsia

    An article on Mario Tobin's proposal to reintroduce the nuns into the wards of the hospitals, due to their particular dedication shown by these religious persons towards the patients.

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    Il Selvaggio

    Tobino remembers the emotions provoked by the publication of his poetic verses in the newspaper Il Selvaggio and the occasion when Mino Maccari sent him to meet Ardengo Soffici at Forte dei Marmi, a really moving experience for him.

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    Il “Piazzone” di Viareggio

    Tobino describes the Grand Square, the place where he was born and grew up.

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