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    La canzonetta del carnevale di Icilio Sadun

    Tobino recounts how Icilio Sadun came to be given the task of composing the official carnival song Il Carnevale di Viareggio better known as Sulla coppa di Champagne.

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    La chiusura degli ospedali psichiatrici

    Tobino admits to having been defeated by the 'modernists'. He remembers a patient, Fidelia, who after the reforms went through, was arrested for being violent during a moment of crisis.

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    La farmacia Tobino

    Tobino recounts the period in his life as the shop boy, the apprentice in his father's chemist shop.

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    La follia e la società

    Tobino expresses his opinion on how the families of the mentally ill are expected to cope in finding assistence and therapy.

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    La genialità marinara dei viareggini

    Tobino takes about the skill, the ingenuity of the Viareggio sailors which was recognised in all the major ports of Europa: Sfax, Marseilles, Belleville and Nouvelles.

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    La legge 180 e la chiusura dei manicomi

    Tobino, in his role as psychiatrist but also as an ordinary man, reflects on the effects of the passage of the Law 180. He remembers that whe he first heard the news that the law had been passed, that he went to see the patients suffering from depression, those most at risk from the closure of the mental hospitals. He tells the story of a parient of his, the lady professor.

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    La legge 180 e le ripercussioni sulle famiglie

    Tobino emphasises that under Law 180, the burden of caring for the mentally ill will fall on the families, with damaging results. He reminds us that even though he leans to the left politically, he won't hesitate to denounce the dangers of this law in the most important newspapers and in books.

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    La legge 180 per le famiglie dei malati psichiatrici

    Mario Tobino expresses his negative opinion on Law 180, above all for the daily difficulties incurred by the families of modest means, who must now deal with the handling of their mentally ill relative.

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    La nascita del Burlamacco

    Tobino recounts how the mask for "Burlamacco" , the symbol of the Carnival at Viareggio , came about.

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    La nascita del Carnevale di Viareggio

    Tobino tells how Carnival came about in Viareggio.

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    La nascita del Pierrot

    Tobino tells how the first mask with moving eyes were created, which smiled, which looked to right and left: it was the Pierrot, built by Giampieri.

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    La passione letteraria di Tobino

    The important reason why Tobino remained for thirty five years inside the walls of the Psychiatric Hospital at Maggiano was his literary passion: his profession as a doctor allowed him to live with dignity and to write spontaneously, whatever came into his mind, to be a 'pure' writer.

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    La poetessa anarchica

    Tobino remembers the dramatic events of the previous day at Viareggio following the end of a football match (a fiercely fought contest between Viareggio and Lucca) when an anarchic poetess from Milan inflamed the crowd.

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    La predisposizione di Tobino

    From the two tiny rooms at the Psychiatric Hospital of Maggiano where the mementos of his life are archived, Tobino recounts the reasons for choosing to become a psychiatrist. From his time at university it was noted his predisposition for doing research into the feelings of others, to delve below the surface.

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    La rivelazione della letteratura

    Tobino recounts his early experiences as a poet, the discovery of Il Selvaggio (the newspaper)and the wait after dispatching his manuscript to Mino Maccari.

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    La scoperta della cartapesta

    Tobino relates how the discovery of carta a calco - papier maché - affected the construction of the carnival masks.

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    La terrazza dei ricordi

    Tobino talks about seeing the the sea, the beach, the Darsena (the dockyards) from the balcony terrace that his father had constructed many years before.

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    La vita nel manicomio

    Tobino talks about life inside the mental hospitals before the advent of psychotropic drugs. He talks briefly about about his experiences in the hospital at Ancona and how order, discpline and cleanliness are indispensable for the good running of a mental institution.

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