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La vittoria
Interviewed on the subject of violence in the football stadiums, Tobino expresses his views on victory.
Le mogli dei capitani: l’Adele
Tobino pays homage to the women of Viareggio who often accompanied their husbands on the long sea journeys, exposing themselves and their children to grave dangers. He recounts the story of Adele, who saved the life of her tiny child by throwing him overboard to sailors waiting in the lifeboat
Le nozze d’oro di Tonin di Burio
Tobino describes a float called "Le nozze d'oro di Tonin di Burio Tonin di Burio's Golden Wedding Anniversary" from the carnival of 1921.
Le ricchezze di Lucca e Viareggio
Tobino talks about the rapport between Luccca and Viareggio, inasmuch as they are completely different cities. Lucca was an ancient city, famous for its history, its architecture, for its writers, painters and musicians. Viareggio became well-known for completely different reasons: for the sea-faring tradition, for its bravery, for navigation.
Lo sviluppo della città di Viareggio
Tobino relates how Viareggio has changed over the years and how it has now become a town.
Lucca: libertà sullo stemma
Caffè Caselli, Lucca - Mario Tobino recounts the virtues of Lucca referring to the inscription 'libertas' on the city's coat of arms and to the judgement of Niccolò Machiavelli when he visited the city in 1500.
L’aneddoto di Kraepelin
Tobino recounts an anecdote about the famous German psychologist, Kraepelin. According to the legend he said that he who lives with mad people acquires one grain of madness for every five years.
L’assedio di Tobruk
Tobino describes his experiences as a doctor during the war in Libya He underlines the lack of organisation of the Italian Army, the beauty of the Sorman Oasis and the dramatic assault on Tobruk.
L’intervento di Salvatori
Tobino recounts the intervention of Salvatori, an honourable socialist who succeeded in calming the people down.
L’uccisione del Morganti
Tobino tells the story of the death of a Lieutenant in the Bersaglieri (that section of the military known by their elaborate black plumes on their helmets) from Viareggio, Il Morganti, caused by an accidental gunshot from a policeman's weapon following a football match.
Mario Tobino e le mani di Gesù
Mario Tobino recounts his daily visits to see Jesus Crucified at the Church of San Michele in Lucca.
Perché così tanto amo Lucca
Caffè Caselli, Lucca - Mario Tobino recounts his affection for the city of Lucca.
Premio Letterario Pisa
Tobino receives the Pisa Literary Prize, an event which allows him to reminisce about his ties to the city which started during his high school period.