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Tobino: una vita con i malati di mente
Tobino talks about his relationship with the sick and of his life inside the walls of the mental hospital at Maggiano, where he lived and worked for thirty five years.
Tra il porto e la collina
Tobino answers questions from Romano Battaglia regarding the duty of care in a field like psychiatry.
Una promessa per la storia di Viareggio
Tobino recounts the time he made a promise to himself when in Libya: that when returned, he would write the history of Viareggio
Viareggio in te son nato, in te spero morire
Mario Tobino recites a poem dedicated to Viareggio
Viareggio: paese di marinai e meta balneare di gran signori
Tobino talks about the city where he was born: Viareggio. A sea-going town but also known as a bathing resort where the great personalities of their day - Puccini, Marconi, Petrolini, Galli and Gandusio came on holiday.
Vivere con i malati di mente
Tobino describes the careful and slow building of relationships between doctors, nurses and mentally ill patients. According to the author and psychiatrist, this is the only method which can really help the patients with any degree of success and which can bring people to an understanding of madness.
“Ma lei è per riaprire i manicomi?”
From the celebrated studios of Linea Diretta, Rai Television, Enzio Biagi kicks off an interview with Mario Tobino, who from his Hospital at Maggiano explains his opposition to the Law 180.